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Dissertation methodology follows just next to the literature review section of a dissertation. This section deals with the manner in which you carried out your research. The dissertation methodology writing helps in understanding the process of collecting data and presenting it in an orderly fashion. The process of data collection is rigorous and requires immense patience, but such level of hard work can be of little value if the presentation of data is not properly done. Therefore, students in university are often bogged down with the question of how to write a good research methodology chapter. In order to give the appropriate answer to this question, our expert’s panel has provided valuable inputs in this write-up that can serve as a guideline for dissertation methodology to UK students and to that of the World. However, before getting into the details of writing a good methodology, it is essential to understand the significance of a methodology. Dissertation Methodology Help

Importance of Methodology in a Dissertation

It tests your ability to select a method that is compatible with the research. Methodology selection can be a cumbersome task as you do not get it right the first time. A detailed analysis of the method has to be done beforehand, usually at the time of selecting a topic. The rationale must be clear in mind, any kind of doubt while selecting your topic can turn out to be a gargantuan obstacle while conducting the research. Such a level of intelligence can only be displayed with an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. Mostly in the case of university students, such acumen is missing due to the lack of exposure, therefore, they seek dissertation writing services from professionals. While conducting research on the ground it gives an on-field exposure and makes you think as a professional researcher. This serves a very important purpose in the academic life of a student whohas an interest in academic research. Moreover, research is not limited to academics, various business firms and government agencies also undertake research in order to frame a good policy or market their product successfully. However, students are often burdened with a plethora of such assignments that need outdoor research. In such cases, it is almost impossible for a student to undertake such outdoor activity each and every time. This is where we come into the picture with our dissertation methodology case study specialists among our expert panel. These specialists are past-masters in dealing with all kinds of field research activities. During the process of research, a student might come under pressure, sometimes, due to the output which cannot be achieved desired by you. Usually, in such circumstances, it may seem difficult to provide a rationale for the same. But, with your ability to justify a particular methodology, you take responsibility for your studies undertaken in all these years. Moreover, students can still be in some kind of confusion regarding the line of argument that is to be used for justification. In such cases, you can always talk to our experts even on live video sessions.

Dissertation Methodology Structure

The dissertation methodology can be complex depending on the subject or field of study. However, the broader structure of a dissertation is shown in the following image. Dissertation Methodology Writing Services While explaining the research question, the important points must be highlighted in short so that it does not come out as repetitive. However, the explanation of the method is done in a comprehensive manner including the intricate details of the process. One important aspect that must be kept in mind that while explaining the method the process, which you undertook must be written as it was done. This explanation has to be context-based, so that reader gets a clear picture of the methodology and also can use it for his own research. The reason for selecting the particular method must be backed by academic journals and not just your personal whims and fancies. Such kind of rationale can demonstrate your ability to plan and execute research all by yourself. The evaluation is mainly concerned with the method and not the results of the method. The evaluation presents your view, again academic in nature, on how the methodology fared on the ground. Subsequently, the limitations of the methodology also need to be examined corresponding to the respective research. A dissertation methodology example, which is specially designed by our experts is presented on our website. You can also consult our experts regarding the same.

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Dissertation Methodology Types

The dissertation is mainly divided into two types – qualitative and quantitative. Both these types are used for different fields according to their requirements. There is also a third type, mixed, which is a combination of the two. All these three methodologies cannot be used interchangeably. Social sciences and other humanities fields mostly follow the qualitative methods whereas the quantitative method is used for statistical, mathematical, and computational research. Quantitative research uses closed-ended questions to gather the information while open-ended questions are an integral part of accumulating data for the qualitative process. Apart from the above-mentioned types of methodology in research, they are also classified in the form of mainly undertaking research like primary and secondary research. The primary research basically gathers the fresh data or first-hand account. If we take the example of history, primary research would include historical sources that were written at the very point in time when the event was occurring or had just occurred. On the other hand, the secondary sources consist of the sources that evaluate the primary sources. All this information is not just relevant for a dissertation, but also for students who want to know how to write a methodology for a project of any academic field. With all this information, there are also some key points that need to be kept in mind while attempting the methodology section of a dissertation.

Tips from Our Dissertation Methodology Writing Experts

Dissertation Methodology Writing Help The dissertation methodology consists of many aspects most of which has been thoroughly discussed in the write-up along with highlighting the impediments you are likely to face. However, there are still some issues that remained considerably untouched and thus, is being addressed in this section.

  • The reliability and validity are important aspects that are usually neglected by students because of their inability to identify the best sources. Many sources are available on a specific topic, but not all of them can be used for dissertation research. Considering the high value attached to every dissertation, we at My Assignment Services UK have always used the best practices to select a source.
  • The techniques used of sampling are another aspect that can be apparently seen as a minor issue, but evidently, it is an integral part of a dissertation methodology. The size of a sample can impact the output of the research.
  • The use of the appendix can be done in an effective manner for this section. The methodology can have a detailed diagram, charts or graphs which cannot be adjusted in the main body of the dissertation. Therefore, using appendices can not only make it more presentable but also enable you to get higher marks.
  • Every research, even though specific, hopes to come out with results that can be easily generalised and used accordingly. The generalisation aspect of the methodology makes it more relevant and acceptable in the academic domain.

These tips along with the knowledge of structure and types of methodology can broaden your knowledge base on the dissertation methodology, however, if you are still in a fix regarding your dissertation or any of its component, including methodology come to us anytime.

How Can We Help You?

We have some of the highly experienced Ph.D. experts who have years of dissertation writing experience. This experience serves very well for all our dissertations, which these experts are assigned to write. The subject matter knowledge, supplemented with the expertise in the academic guidelines enhances the quality of your dissertation by leaps and bounds. The quality is also improved by the dedicated work of our quality team of experts. These experts make sure that no academic document of yours, passes them without a proper scrutiny. Plagiarism, which is an academic offence is also taken care not only while writing but also, by use of advanced software. The timely submission of assignments and affordability of our services boost our trust quotient among our peers. We also offer unlimited revisions, therefore do not waste any more time searching “how to write methodology in research proposal?”. Call us or email us today. Our easy payments options are an added advantage.

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