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A self-reflection method called the Gibbs Reflective Cycle helps people conclude by directing them as they reason rationally and methodically about their many experiences while engaging in a particular activity or event. The Learning by Doing book by Graham Gibbs, published in 1988, is where the Gibbs Reflective Cycle idea was initially introduced. This paradigm and its related stages are explained in detail by eminent psychologists and sociologists so that others may comprehend and use it. Graham Gibbs intended to break down the scenario and clarify the cycle using several phases. According to him, individuals learn from their mistakes, and an experience only serves as a teaching tool if the participant considers how to manage the circumstance more skilfully in the future. The Gibbs Reflective Cycle, which breaks down the issue and encourages knowledge and reflection on managing and controlling it better the next time, is one of the most significant instructing and training methods.

Gibbs Reflective Model

What is the Gibbs Reflective Model?

The Graham Gibbs Reflective Cycle concept highlights recurring events cyclically. All six stages encourage participation and reflection on a specific educational experience. The Graham Gibbs Reflective Cycle method of scenario analysis and conclusion development is easy to describe in a coaching session. The six steps of the Graham Gibbs cycle of reflection are description, feelings, assessment, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. Let's take a closer look at the model below:

Step 1: Description

Participants explain the circumstance or their experience at the "Description" step of the Graham Gibbs Reflective Cycle. Now is not the time to judge; instead, attempt to understand what has happened. The critical information that will appropriately reflect the situation is the primary focus. This stage aids in creating the proper framework for understanding the circumstance.

Use the following questions as a guide for a detailed analysis of the circumstances in the reflective cycle of the GIBBS description section.

  • What was the situation?
  • When and where did the situation take place?
  • Why did you go there?
  • How did you behave?
  • What was the reaction of other people
  • Who was present?
  • What was the result of the circumstance?
  • What were your expectations?
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Step 2: Feelings

Participants are asked to articulate their sentiments and how those feelings have shaped their experiences in the second stage of the Gibbs cycle of reflection, titled Feelings. This phase is meant to assist you in reflecting on the circumstances and challenging yourself.

  • What were your thoughts before this circumstance?
  • What emotions did you have in this circumstance?
  • What do you think other people contemplate or feel in this situation?
  • How did you feel about this experience?
  • What do you think of the current situation?
  • What do you believe other people's reactions to this circumstance will be?

Step 3: Evaluation

The third phase in Graham Gibbs' Gibbs reflection cycle, "Evaluation," asks participants to evaluate their own positive and negative experiences, favourably or negatively. You must maintain objectivity and consider both your successes and failures.

Utilise the questions below to understand the circumstances described in the Gibbs cycle of the reflection review phase.

  • What were the positive outcomes of the circumstance?
  • What were the adverse outcomes of the circumstance?
  • What didn't work out so well in this circumstance?
  • What actions of yours caused this situation? (in a good or bad way)
  • What actions did others take that contributed to this state of affairs? (in a good or bad way)

Step 4: Analysis

The analysis is the fourth step of the reflective cycle of Gibbs, when individuals contemplate, feel, and try to comprehend the circumstance and what transpired. The time has come to look back and make inferences from the experiences and occurrences rather than being absorbed in the specifics as one did earlier. Nowadays, anyone might choose to include academic literature. It's time to assess what went well and improved the situation or what went wrong and led to the error. Our experts also create Gibbs reflective cycle reference in order to assist students in writing better assignments

Utilise the following questions to analyse the circumstances described in the Gibbs Reflective Cycle's analysis phase.

  • What was the reason for the circumstances turning out well?
  • Why didn't this circumstance turn out better?
  • What sense do you think this situation makes?
  • What knowledge would help you understand this circumstance better?

Step 5 Conclusion

The fifth stage of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, or Conclusions, is when people reflect on lessons learned and future course modifications. In this section, you draw a conclusion by analysing the findings and outlining potential courses of action to make them better in the future.

Utilise the questions below to learn more about the circumstances at this point.

  • What was your learning regarding the experience?
  • What could be the possible outcomes which could have made things better?
  • What abilities do I need to acquire to deal with this kind of circumstance better in the future?
  • What else may I have done to enhance this encounter?

Step 6: Action Plan

The sixth and last stage of the reflective cycle of Gibbs is the action plan, in which participants lay out strategies for dealing with similar situations and improving future performance. The time has come to make adjustments and formulate a strategy for conducting business differently going ahead. Additionally, you can also get access to our Gibbs reflective cycle examples in our digital library.

Use the following inquiries to comprehend more about the circumstances at the action plan stage.

  • What would be the action plan, and what pointers would I keep in mind if the situation repeats?
  • How will I acquire the requisite qualities to deal with situations like these?
  • How can I be sure I'll act differently the next time I'm in a position like this?

What Are the Criticisms Faced by the Reflection Cycle of Gibbs?

After providing Gibbs with a quick introduction, the following section describes the problems or criticisms that this reflective cycle faced:

The Reflective Cycle is Monotonous

There needs to be more opportunity for interpretation or growth in the six-stage approach. It generates repetitive essays.

Paragraphs - Specified by the Reflective Cycle

The majority of Gibbs' model implementations limit students to writing one paragraph for each level of the model. This scales poorly as essay lengths rise, resulting in many descriptions and emotions. It also gives little leeway in the various components. of a reflection might be organised. Moreover, we have thousands of Gibbs reflective cycle references on our portal for students to get an in-depth understanding of our nursing assignments done by experts.

The Reflective Cycle May Result in Passing Thoughts

This is accurate since Gibbs does not require the author to reflect on the presumptions or values that guided their behaviour during the encounter. Moreover, if you are stuck and need assistance, you can have a look at Gibb's reflective cycle reference, which experts create for students.

The Reflective Cycle is Ineffective in Making Connections

There is a wasted chance to show depth if the experience is separate from other occurrences.

The Reflector Receives too Much Attention in the Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Even while reflection is a significantly individualised process, most methods consider other people. Gibbs, though, is stuck in his self-analysis. Reflections may become self-serving rather than personally beneficial due to this (and sometimes that means difficult!).

The Reflective Cycle Doesn't Ask Challenging Questions

Even while some of the characteristics of Gibbs' model, as provided in the overview, may undoubtedly be connected to intelligent, probing inquiries; they must be recovered. Again, this results in passing judgments.

The Gibbs Reflective Cycle Does Not Promote Critical Thought

The model includes components for analysis and assessment, but they are well-defined. Evaluation and analysis should allow for critical thinking, but it still needs work.

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