
This report aims to design the system required by Tajevon private limited. The organization wants a system that can be used to manage inventory, livestock and orders, customers and other aspects of the business. This report will discuss the context diagram, data flow diagram and entity relationship diagram as part of the system analysis and design. It will design a relational database considering normalization form.

Body of the report

Context Diagram and its Requirement

In system analysis and design, a context diagram represents the system as a high-level and single process. It indicates how the external stakeholders are connected to the system. Therefore, it represents the interactions of external entities with the system at a broad level (Tilley, 2019).

It helps to identify the interfaces the system should provide to enable integration of the external entities. It indicates potential stakeholders and scopes boundaries. It helps to develop a better understanding of the context so that the requirements can be clarified before the actual implementation of the system.

Data Flow Diagram

It is used to map the information flow for a system or a process. It can be a simple diagram to indicate the major processes and users, but a detailed diagram may have the inclusion of details such as data storage, notes for input and output and interactions with one or multiple processes. A data flow diagram can be used for two purposes. First, analyze the existing process for the flow of information so that the users can understand how they interact with the process and how data is flowing from one process to another (Dennis et al., 2015). Second, it can be used to model a new system so that requirements can be identified clearly. The main advantage of a data flow diagram is that it is easy to understand so that technical and non-technical users can easily understand their interactions with the processes.

A data flow diagram has the following major notations:

Rectangle (external entities): it is an external system that transits or receives data while communicating with the system under design. External entities may be a person or organization, business system and computer system. Such notations are generally used on the edge of the diagram to make the diagram easier.

Circle (process): it means any process that can change the data and produce output. It can direct data flow considering business rules, sort data on logic and do some other operations on data.

Open rectangle (data store):  it represents a repository or file which is used to store the information. It is used to indicate that certain kind of information is stored to use in business operations (Rumpe, 2016).

Arrow (data flow): it indicates the route of data flow between processes, external entities and data stores. Each data flow can be labelled to make it easy to understand.

Asides from this, data flow diagrams mainly follow the four golden rules:

  1. There is at least one input and one output for a process.
  2. Each data store has at least one in and one out data flow.
  3. Before storing the data in a data store, data must go through a process.
  4. The processes in data flow diagrams can be connected to either another process or a data store.

Entity relationship diagram and its purpose

It indicates how various entities are interrelated in a system where an entity is any object, people or concept. It looks like a flow chart diagram, but the main purpose of the entity-relationship diagram is to support debugging and design of the relational database. In such diagrams, a rectangle is used to indicate an entity and attributes of the entity are indicated using an oval. The diamond shape represents the relationship between entities through lines (Unhelkar, 2017). Here is more description of the diagram and its notations:

Entity: an entity is a representation of some objects in the real-world. A strong entity can be defined using its attributes, but a weak entity has no specific attributes. Similarly, an associated entity is used to establish an association between two entities in a set.

Entity keys: a key means an attribute with the capability to uniquely identify the record in the entity set. The primary key is used to uniquely identify the entity set, whereas a candidate key is a minimal super key with the least number of attributes. When the combination of one or more attributes identifies an entity easily, they are called super keys. Foreign keys are used to define the relationship with other entities.


There are three possible relations: one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one. For instance, in a one-to-one relationship, one person has only one passport, but in a one-to-many, one teacher may be assigned to one or many students (Dennis et al., 2015).

Difference between a data flow and an entity relationship diagram

  1. The data flow diagram indicates how data is entered, stored or processed in the system, but the entity relationship model indicates the design of the system or database. It does not show how it is implemented.
  2. In a data flow diagram, there is at least one data flow connecting the process or system, but in entity-relationship, all entities are actually groups of similar objects.
  3. There is a significant difference in the use of notations and symbols.

Practical tasks

It is assumed that the organization has a small team, and therefore, each function is managed by various employees. If there are currently no employees in the business then it can be assumed that all the tasks are done by Adam.

Context diagram

Figure 1: Context diagram

Level 0 data flow diagram

Figure 2: Level-0 data flow diagram

Level 1 DFD for order management

Figure 3: Level-1 DFD for order management

Level 1 DFD for inventory and warehouse management

Figure 4: Level-1 DFD for inventory and warehouse management


Figure 5: ERD

Relational database design

The database is designed considering normalization. In normalization, data redundancy and anomalies are resolved. Considering the first normal form, it is ensured that each cell in the table has automatic values. Some suppliers are assumed to have two mobile numbers, so a separate column is created to store the second mobile number instead of storing into a single cell. Also, data is organized into tables for effective organization. According to the second normal form, there are no primary keys for tables so that each record can be assessed effectively. The third normal form is considered to resolve the transitive dependency. For example, instead of age, the date of birth of livestock and staff is recorded to determine their age.

Inventory table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key


Text (50)

Name of the item


Text (200)

Description of the item


Integer (3)

Limit on which new order is required


Integer (5)

Suppliers of the item


Integer (5)

Category of the item


Integer (5)

Staff who updated record

Category table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key


Text (50)

Name of the category


Text (200)

Details about category

Supplier table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key


Text (50)

Name of the category


Text (100)

Email address


Text (200)

Details of supplies possible with supplier

Medicine table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key


Integer (50)

Cost of the medicine


Date/ time

Date of expiry

Farm-Inventory table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key


Integer (50)

Cost of the item

Livestock table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key


Integer (5)

Type of the livestock


Date/ time

Date of birth


Text (200)

Description of livestock such as allergies and others.


Integer (5)

Staff ID who manages livestock

Staff table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key

First name

Text (100)

First name


Text (100)

Last name


Text (200)

Official email address


Text (12)

Phone number including + sign


Text (200)

Complete address


Text (100)

Role such as director, manager and others


Integer (2)

Work hours allowed in a week


Date and time

Date of joining


Integer (2)

Salary for per hour

Customer table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key

First name

Text (100)

First name


Text (100)

Last name


Text (200)

Official email address


Text (12)

Phone number including + sign


Text (200)

Complete address

Order table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Primary key

Customer ID

Text (100)

Foreign key


Date and time

Date of order placement


Integer (5)

Staff ID- foreign key



Total of the order

orderItem table


Data type and size



Integer (5)

Candidate key


Integer (5)

Candidate key



Quantity of items



Total amount for items


The report has concluded that the organization needs an information system that can manage production and supply-chain. It includes various business functions such as human resource management, farm and inventory management, livestock management and others. The report has designed context diagram and data flow diagrams to collect more requirements of the stakeholders and define the design of the system. If the design is good to follow and stakeholders are happy with the functions and data management, it can be considered for implementation of the system.


Dennis, A., Wixom, B., & Tegarden, D. (2015). Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented approach with UML. John wiley & sons.

Rumpe, B. (2016). Modeling with UML (pp. 1-281). Cham: Springer.

Tilley, S. (2019). Systems analysis and design. Cengage Learning.

Unhelkar, B. (2017). Software engineering with uml. CRC Press.

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