
The purpose of this document is for me to provide a self-reflection while working as part of a team to complete a group research project and presentation as well as an individual dissertation write up. According to various authors, self-reflection is importance for an individual’s development and growth as it gives them an opportunity to develop their skills while reviewing the effectiveness of their overall skills (Bubnys, 2019; Crane et al., 2018; Matthews and William, 2021). Travers et al. (2014) add that self-reflection prevents individuals from just regularly repeating the same approach over a longitudinal period without using any measures to improve the adopted approach. Self-reflection allows the user to question what they have done in an individual or group setting and to identify whether their approach can be improved in any way for future reference (Wang et al., 2019). The Gibbs’ model (Figure 1) will be adopted to analyse my overall journey while completing these two assignments.


Group Work Assignment:


According to analysis using the Gibbs’ model, the following points were highlighted.

Step 1: Description:

The situation consisted of creating a group of four members and ensuring that everyone agreed and fulfilled the tasks allocated to them for the research proposal and presentation. In our last two meetings, one of the team members was dissatisfied when we agreed that only three persons will be presenting as a result of time constraint. He believes that anyone who fails to present will be given a lower grade because the supervisors implored all the group members to be involved in the presentation. Using my interpersonal relationship skill, I advised the team on the need to have in-house presentation and three logical presenters will be considered to represent the team. Bubnys (2019) explains that communication/inter-personal skills are a crucial requirement in a group work environment to ensure the success of a group in achieving its objectives. Also, I encouraged the team to emphatically explain to the supervisory team when presenting that all the team members were actively involved in the group work but the presentation consisted of three members as a result of time management. Here I gave them feedback on how they can improve their explanation skills where Crane et al. (2018) explain a peer review/feedback as a crucial tool in an individual improving their skills in a given area which in this case was the ability to explain content to the supervisory team. These suggested solutions provided calmness and sanity to the group.

Step 2: Feelings

Before the start of the group work, I was a bit worried about the fact that I will have to rely on other individuals to ensure the successful completion of an assignment. However, my confidence grew throughout the group work process as we all worked very well as a team. My colleagues were also initially anxious but they felt more assured as we approach the final submission of the group work assignment. After the submission of the group work assignment, I felt confident about what was submitted as me and my colleagues continually reviewed the work through meetings which according to Pool and Reed (2018) is a crucial requirement in ensuring that a process or approach is refined to the most optimum level which in this case was the submission of our best possible draft. Currently, I feel very satisfied with the overall group work process and the final result where I also believe that my colleagues from the group would agree with me.

Step 3: Analysis

All the team members were fully involved in ensuring delivery of quality research proposal. At the inception of the team formation, we drafted team charter where the operations of the team were expressly specified. We had productive communications in all our meetings and all members where able to deliver on assigned tasks. The team was able to deliver the task before the deadlines. According to Chiriac (2014) the clear allocation and specification of roles and tasks in a group setting are important in ensuring the timely completion and submission of a project/task. However, I believe the team’s performance can be improved if the team charter can be prepared by the supervisor.

Step 4: Evaluation

The positive point from the group work was that we agreed on how work was allocated and self-imposed deadlines immediately where we also stayed on track by regular communication. The only negative for me personally was several meetings with the team members because this was not established when drafting the team charter.

Step 5: Action

As mentioned earlier, most things worked well in the group assignment, however, the aspects of three members of the team presenting to the supervisory team and several meetings’ sessions were areas for consideration. To address these issues, I will suggest all the team members to be involved in the presentation as a sense of belonging and maximum session of meetings should be agreed from the inception of team formation respectively.

Step 6: Conclusion

As mentioned earlier, most things worked well during the research proposal. Some of the lessons gained were the ability to collaborate with students from other nationals and the sense of identifying individual strengths and weaknesses

Dissertation Write up:


According to analysis using the Gibbs’ model, the following points were highlighted.

Step 1: Description:

The situation consisted of identifying an appropriate research area involving Unilever and CSR. My supervisor created teams link for the supervisory meetings as face-to-face meeting is not possible. My supervisor had ten students under his supervision where two members of my team belong. The choice of research topic for students from the same team resulted into unclear goals and dissatisfaction as my supervisor stated reasons for clear differences in the research topics. I felt bad but his explanation was logical since the aim of my individual dissertation is to contribute to the body of knowledge. Based on his feedbacks during the meeting and research, I was able to identified research topic different from the group proposal.

Step 2: Feelings

Before the start of the dissertation write up, I was a bit anxious about my capability in writing up a dissertation. However, my confidence grew throughout the dissertation write up process which was attributed to me progressing through the chapters and feedback from my supervisor. In this case, the feedback was mostly written where the face to face meetings were an opportunity for me to seek an explanation for any feedback points I was unsure about which according to Matthews and William (2021) can be an effective feedback approach for verbal and visual learners. Currently, I feel confident about submitting my dissertation based on my supervisor’s feedback.

Step 3: Analysis

Regular feedbacks from my supervisor during the virtual meetings assisted in several ways in completing my dissertation before the deadline. It was identified that instead of virtual supervisory meeting, face-to-face would have made the dissertation experience more engaging and having only one team member from a group attached to a supervisor will help with clear research topics identification. According to Crane et al. (2018), regular rather than meetings scheduled after long periods can be an effective feedback approach for students in completing their individual projects as ideas or feedbacks from previous meetings are fairly fresh in the mind of the supervisors and students which allows them to continue on to the next phase rather than having to retrieve information from a meeting which may have happened months ago.

Step 4: Evaluation

The positive point from the dissertation write up was the clear understanding and communication established between me and my supervisor where determined clear goals and timelines for each chapter. The constant feedbacks with possible solutions on how to progress on my dissertation. at each meeting. Establishing a clear path consisting of mini-milestones or deadlines can be an effective way to motivate individuals in achieving their main aim as through achieving the mini-deadlines individuals will remain motivated until the end (Bubnys, 2019; Pool and Reed, 2018; Wang et al., 2019). The only negative aspect for me personally was the research topic that was adjusted to avoid similarity of thoughts. In allocating students to supervisors, we should avoid assigning group members to same supervisor.

Step 5: Action

As identified earlier, some of the setbacks during my dissertation are the constructing research topic and one-hour supervisory meeting in a week considering the number of students to be supervised. In my further studies, I will plan to have draft of different research topics aside from the group topic and send all my possible clarifications on my dissertation to my supervisor before the weekly supervisory meeting. Through undertaking this process I have identified how things can be improved if I were to undergo the same dissertation research and write up journey again which aligns with Matthews and William (2021) points on self-reflection being used as a tool to inform the improvement in an approach or process which in this case may be the organisation and setting of the supervisory meetings. 

Step 6: Conclusion

As mentioned earlier, most things worked well during the dissertation write up even with some of the issues highlighted. I learnt the ability to be self-reliance especially when engaging in academic work, only rely on my supervisor for feedbacks.


Bubnys, R. (2019). A Journey of Self-Reflection in Students’ Perception of Practice and Roles in the Profession. Sustainability . 11(1), pp.pp194-195. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2022].

Chiriac, E. (2014). Group work as an incentive for learning – students’ experiences of group work . [Online]. Frontiers. Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2022].

Crane, M, Searle, B, Kangas, M and Nwiran, Y. (2019). How resilience is strengthened by exposure to stressors: the systematic self-reflection model of resilience strengthening. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal . 32(1), pp.1-17. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2022].

Matthews, A and William, J. (2021). Educating Medical Students in Receiving Feedback: The Importance of Self-Reflection [Response to Letter]. Advances in Medical Education and Practice . 12(1), pp.105-106. [Online]. Available at: DOI:10.2147/AMEP.S298998 [Accessed 25 August 2022].

Pool, N and Reed, P. (2018). Looking Inward: Philosophical and Methodological Perspectives on Phenomenological Self-Reflection. Nursing Science Quarterly . 31(3), pp.245-252. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2022].

Potter, C. (2015), "Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and Scharmer’s Theory U", Industrial and Commercial Training , 47 (6), pp.336-342.

Travers, C, Morisano, D and Locke, E. (2014). Self-reflection, growth goals, and academic outcomes: A qualitative study. British Journal of Educational Psychology . 85(2), pp.224-241. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2022].

Wang, Z., Liu, D. and Cai, S. (2019), "Self-reflection and employee creativity: The mediating role of individual intellectual capital and the moderating role of concern for face", Chinese Management Studies , 13(4), pp. 895-917.

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