Critical appraisal is the procedure of critically examining the research to determine its validity and reliability (Al-Jundi and Sakka 2017). Chaplains are increasingly referred to as pastoral care workers or spiritual care providers are the clergy members who assist in providing spiritual care to individuals in a no- religious setup (Cadge et al. 2017). To assist and enhance pastoral care practice they need to be up to date with the latest development in their field. As the perception regarding spirituality and well-being is distinct for distinct religious groups, pastoral care workers need to be well-versed with the theories and research findings that may be useful to them as they navigate the shifting social and political dimensions of their employment. Chaplains assist individuals with distinct services encompassing emotional, moral, and psychological support (Liberman et al., 2020). The purpose of this review is to comprehend the concept and key features of multifaith chaplaincy as described by Gilliat-Ray and Arshad 2016 in their book ‘A Handbook of Chaplaincy Studies: Understanding Spiritual Care in Public Places’. The chapter details the concepts of multifaith chaplaincy and associated political, economic, philosophical, and practical perspectives. For the scope of this review, critical analysis of the paper is imperative clearly stating what the authors try to convey, and highlighting the key learning obtained including strengths and weaknesses.
Providing pastoral and spiritual care to persons of all faiths and no religions in a way that respects their religious and cultural diversity is the goal of multifaith chaplaincy, a type of chaplaincy. It acknowledges that everyone has various spiritual needs and practices, and aims to offer welcoming and considerate support to everyone who requests it. The present article talks about the increasing ethnic and religious diversity in Europe has caused the need for multifaith chaplaincy. As a result, Muslims have not yet discovered an established framework for reaching concessions with the government. The nature of the challenge frequently reflects the perceptions that have grown over time in connection to the socio-legal status of religion in these various nations. In the end, the degree to which multifaith chaplaincy has developed is frequently a reflection of the larger place of religion in society and the capability of new or more practical arrangements to emerge within existing frameworks. The chapter encircles the concepts of the evolution of multi-faith chaplaincy in Britain and the evolvement of Islamic pastoral theology. The chapter highlights the existence of multifaith chaplaincy as a result of political directives, enhanced religious needs, and engagement of professional chaplaincy with religious diversity. The research also puts light on the emergence of Muslim chaplaincy in distinct European countries. Additionally, the religious diversity in marking the rights of the passage in Europe is also referred into this chapter. Rites of passage are definitive of the rites and rituals associated with transitions in an individual's life and are influenced by culture and religion (Janusz and Walkiewicz 2018). Furthermore, the chapter discusses the challenges that may persist in society regarding rites of passage. Towards the end, it emphasizes the challenges that arise as a result of sharing workshop spaces by distinct religious communities. Because they are displacing Christianity as the symbol of public religion in Europe and America, multifaith spaces are becoming more common. Hence the chapter tries to give the overall scenario of multifaith chaplaincy in the context of Europe.
The whole chapter discusses the change in chaplaincy due to the enhancement of multicultural background groups in Europe. It is organized in Europe in different ways and is influenced by cultural, religious, social, and governmental factors (Liuski and Ubani 2020). The evidence present in the chapter appears to be convincing, drawing on the range of resources. The information provided by the authors is based on academic studies and anecdotal evidence from chaplains and other pastoral workers. In addition to that the chapter also discusses the anecdotal evidence from chaplains which puts light on the challenges and hardships attained by the multifaith spaces. The authors have demarcated the existence of the concept of multifaith chaplaincy. The authors have employed the usage of scientific literature on religious diversity and chaplaincy to cite the information. The credibility of the data comes from the fact that the authors have utilized the academic findings and data from the surveys to support the claim. The claims and evidence described in the chapter are attained from a variety of sources. The employment of quotes and usage of discrete examples to prove the claims made. Such an example can be visualized by using the case of Muslim Chaplaincy Project fieldwork research, which proves as an example to support the claim that dislikes can arise within the people as a result of sharing worship places. To outline the effectiveness of multifaith chaplaincy and examine how this is associated with diverse chaplaincy activities, the authors have employed adequate evidence supporting the claims made and have cited the information from a variety of sources.
The chapter presents a variety of advantages that strengthen it whereas there exist some weaknesses as well that limit the scope of the study. Strengths of the study refer to visualizing the evidence used in the study, and its validity (Keserlioglu et al. 2019). Whereas study limitations refer to the weaknesses within the research methodology that may have a consequence and impacts the conclusion of the study (Ross and Zaidi 2019). Employing examples to illustrate a good overview of the concept related to the last rites, sacred texts in various religious traditions, and distinct worship spaces, including their design and purpose adds more dimension to the whole discussion. Additionally using anecdotes and quotes further enhances the credibility of the study. The author's aim towards using scientific research and evidence to support the claims made assists them in proving the efficiency of their work and hence their work can assist in examining real-life scenarios. The employment of a comprehensive approach and clear language enhances the scope of the study. Though there exist certain limitations that may hamper the wide acceptance of the literature. The lack of consideration of the authors towards depicting the general public and the chaplain's view regarding the enhanced emergence of inter-religious groups limits its acceptance in real-life scenarios. Additionally, the authors have not depicted any potential criticisms or controversies relating to the various topics discussed in the chapters related to the cultural beliefs regarding the rites of passage by distinct groups, the existence of common worship spaces for diverse religious groups, and the concept of multipath chaplaincy as a whole. Hence, a lack of consideration of the view of the general public and in-depth knowledge of certain topics may limit the usage of the literature.
After analyzing the literature, it is evident that certain changes can be made to increase their scope. Foremost, it is imperative to analyze the limitations of the study and additional efforts and work needs to be done to enhance the scope of the study. The best way to avoid limitations is during the planning stage of the research or study (Shreffler and Huecker 2023). It enables to enhance the scope of the study. One of the features that can assist the study to be more comprehensive is doing deeper and more thorough research related to the general public's view regarding the enhancement of multi-faith chaplaincy and how it has impacted their lives. Another feature can be the employment of diverse perspectives. In the present chapter, the authors could have adapted a diverse viewpoint. In this, they would have included the perspective of individuals belonging to different religious groups which would have provided them with a wider outlook. The employment of tools of visual presentation can assist the author to provide the readers with the ease to comprehend the concepts and topics more effortlessly. Another factor could be the usage of personal anecdotes that assist the readers to connect with the discussion on a personal level. This could aid the readers in the enhancement of their knowledge and comprehension of the concept more appropriately.
Firstly the chapter provided great insights regarding the concept of multi-faith chaplaincy and the growth in its trend in Europe which was a new concept. The author's efforts in detailing the religious practices and how they are influenced by the enhancement of inter-faith in chaplaincy are noteworthy. Another learning could be the cautiousness regarding the practices and ceremonies adopted by different religions and cultures. Overall this chapter has provided insights into the concept of the existence of interfaith chaplaincy and the various features associated with it.
After critically analyzing the literature and the sources, it can be mentioned that the authors have tried to convey the knowledge that exists regarding this concept comprehensively and adequately. They have tried to highlight the political and social context associated with interfaith chaplaincy. They have tried to divulge the trends in increasing religious diversity in the field of chaplaincy and have proclaimed the interest that academic researchers are taking regarding the concept. A comprehensive approach adopted by the authors adds to its strengths. Though there exists certain drawbacks that may hinder the wider acceptance of the study like limited consideration of criticism and lack of deep research regarding the concept. The literature has assisted in gaining a wider perspective regarding the role that the multi-faith chaplaincy plays in being the catalyst for evolving religious professionalism.
Al-Jundi, A. and Sakka, S., 2017. Critical appraisal of clinical research. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR , 11 (5), p.JE01. 10.7860/JCDR/2017/26047.9942
Cadge, W., Winfield, T.P. and Skaggs, M., 2022. The social significance of chaplains: evidence from a national survey. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy , 28(2), pp.208-217.
Gilliat-Ray, S., and Arshad, M. (2016). Multifaith working . A Handbook of Chaplaincy Studies :Understanding Spiritual Care in Public Places’. United Kingdom:Routledge.
Janusz, B. and Walkiewicz, M., 2018. The rites of passage framework as a matrix of transgression processes in the life course. Journal of Adult Development , 25 , pp.151-159. 10.1007/s10804-018-9285-1
Keserlioglu, K., Kilicoglu, H. and Ter Riet, G., 2019. Impact of peer review on discussion of study limitations and strength of claims in randomized trial reports: a before and after study. Research integrity and peer review , 4 (1), pp.1-8. 10.1186/s41073-019-0078-2
Liberman, T., Kozikowski, A., Carney, M., Kline, M., Axelrud, A., Ofer, A., Rossetti, M. and Pekmezaris, R., 2020. Knowledge, attitudes, and interactions with chaplains and nursing staff outcomes: A survey study. Journal of Religion and Health , 59 , pp.2308-2322. 10.1007/s10943-020-01037-0
Liuski, T. and Ubani, M., 2020. How is Military Chaplaincy in Europe Portrayed in European Scientific Journal Articles between 2000 and 2019? A Multidisciplinary Review. Religions , 11 (10), p.540.
Ross, P.T. and Bibler Zaidi, N.L., 2019. Limited by our limitations. Perspectives on Medical Education , 8 , pp.261-264. 10.1007/s40037-019-00530-x
Shreffler J, Huecker MR. 2023. Common pitfalls in the research process . Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing.
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